Table of Contents
Mark Ari: A Thin Beauty / ToM b / Upon Change
Credit for Photo Used in Poems: Matthew B. Brady
Untitled, Circa 1850-1860, from Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Greg Bayer: God Knows Why
Jane Blanchard: Admission / Govan
Lorraine Caputo: Epiphany
MaKenzie Jean Copp: Adrift / Armor
Jodi Filan: Abstract Flowers (Cover)
Tim Gavin: Divine Property XLII: The Luncheonette / Divine Property XLIV: Blaze / Divine Property LXI: Potential
/ Divine Property LXII: Eternal / Divine Property LXIV: Turkey
Michael Gessner: A Christmas Day / Souls / This Experience of God
Robyn Hunt: Leaning House
Erin Jamieson: Candlelight / This is not the time
Sarah Law: chapel of the annunciation / Hidden Mother / The Virgin Mary as Undiscovered Artist
Mitch Levenberg: The Great Kazin
DS Maolalai: 6:54pm
Tonya Russell: Untitled / Untitled
Claire Scott: Is This What It Comes to at the End
Laura Voivodeship: A Better Sort of Princess / Changeling / Foil